Participation in all MAAEYC Committees is open to all members. This is a great way to tailor your volunteerism to a specific topic where you have skills, interest, and passion. Most committees meet with via conference calls or at MAAEYC Governing Board meetings. Technology is used whenever possible to minimize travel and time expenditures.

Public Policy and Advocacy
The Public Policy Committee actively updates and enhances our public policy programs in collaboration with the Board. It engages in legislative and regulatory activities at state and federal levels, including partnerships with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The committee sets annual public policy priorities based on the needs of children aged 0-8, considering the political and legislative environment.

Finance & Fundraising Committee
The Finance and Fundraising Committee is tasked with coordinating the Board's financial oversight responsibilities and recommending financial policies. This committee plays a crucial role in monitoring the organization’s financial records, ensuring the creation of accurate and timely financial statements, and overseeing their presentation to the Board. Additionally, the committee oversees budget implementation, financial procedures, and fundraising events aiding the full Board in understanding the organization's financial health and guiding strategic financial planning.

Membership and Communication Committee
The Membership and Communication Committee is dedicated to enhancing membership recruitment and retention across local affiliates. It organizes and staffs membership tables at all MAAEYC events and evaluates potential member benefits to ensure relevance and value. Additionally, it provides support strategies to boost member engagement, value in membership, ensuring a vibrant and active community.

Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee is responsible for collection community feedback on professional development needs as it relates to coursework, teacher certification, webinars, current research on best practices. Additionally provides resources to local and statewide initiatives that are available and the resource allocation

Governance (Nominations) Committee
The Governance and Nominations Committee focuses on the development, review, and evaluation of MAAEYC's policies and procedures. It is responsible for overseeing the review of the organization's bylaws, recruiting and nominating new Board members, and ensuring effective onboarding for those newly appointed. The committee also plays a crucial role in recruiting members for various committees, maintaining the organizational structure and ensuring continuous leadership development. We also are responsible for nominations for the Excellence in Early Childhood Awards